Smith-Midland Awarded Largest Single Barrier Contract

March 6, 2009 | J-J Hooks

J-J Hooks Highway Traffic Barrier

MIDLAND, Va. – Smith-Midland Corporation of Midland, Virginia, was recently awarded the contract to provide 87,000 linear feet of J-J Hooks Highway Traffic Barrier for use on the I-495 HOT LANES Project in Fairfax County, Northern Virginia. This is the largest barrier order ever received by the company.

The project will construct express toll lanes, to be known as “HOT LANES,” to facilitate traffic movement on the I-495 Beltway. The total cost of the project, which is a Flour-Lane joint venture, is estimated to be more than $2.5 million. “The customer chose our J-J Hooks Barrier over other competing barrier because J-J Hooks are easier to install and remove, saving the company time and money,” says Matthew Smith, Vice President of Sales and Marketing.

The J-J Hooks highway traffic safety barrier connection system has become a “standard” on North American and international highways in recent years. It is the most widely used private connection design in the United States. Last year, local producers provided more than one million linear feet of barrier to US highway projects. It is the lowest cost barrier connection system available in the industry today.

Precast Concrete BarriersThe J-J Hooks barrier connection system has been crash tested to National Cooperative Highway Research Program 350 standards. Self-aligning, identical ended J-J Hook connectors allow for quick, easy installation and removal of the barrier. There is no loose hardware, permitting a single section to be easily removed without disturbing adjacent sections and eliminating the possibility of lost, stolen or damaged parts. This is important for easy emergency access and protection against tampering and vandalism. J-J Hooks can be used as a temporary or permanent barrier system. For more information, visit

Smith-Midland Corporation is a publicly traded company (OTC BB: SMID, SMIWC; Boston Stock Exchange: SMM, SMM/W). Smith-Midland develops, manufactures and sells a broad array of precast concrete products for use primarily in the construction, transportation and utilities industries. Smith-Midland has two manufacturing facilities located in Midland, Virginia and Reidsville, North Carolina. Easi-Set Industries, a wholly owned subsidiary of Smith-Midland Corporation, licenses the production of Smith-Midland developed products around the world. For more information please call (540) 439-3266 or visit

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